Monday, March 16, 2009

Stress Manegment With Ayurveda & Yoga

Today, money has become an important part of our lives and with mounting expenses on loan repayments,education, food and entertainment, recession has led to more stress in our already stressful lives. In these times of recession and uncertainty.

Ayurveda is largely about prevention rather than cure, but it is commonly used to treat stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, stomach ulcers, eczema and psoriasis. Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedures like Abhyang , Massage and Shirodhara has been traditionally used for relief from fatigue, mental exhaustion, anxiety, insomnia, some mental disorders, headache, excessive thinking, nervousness, and many other conditions commonly affecting persons in today's active lifestyle.

Stress Symptoms :

If you exerience any of the following stress symptoms, you may be suffering from stress disorder, or 'burnout'

  • Low energy, easily fatigued
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Poor sleep quality, not waking up refreshed
  • Increased conflicts and aggression.

Application of Yoga and Ayurveda in Stress Management :

:The word "Yoga" is derived from the root Yuj which means to join or bind together. By the way Yoga also means to concentrate. Fundamentally, Yoga is a means of uniting or a technique of self -discipline: to unite the body to the mind and together merge with the Self (soul).
Ayurveda, on the other hand, means knowledge of life or knowledge of longevity. It is an all-inclusive routine of traditional health care and stresses upon the relationship among body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda aim at restoring one's innate harmony. Yoga is spiritual side of Ayurveda, and Ayurveda is the healing tradition of from which it emerged.

Yoga and Ayurveda work along the same principles as Stress Management, taking into account the physical and psychological. Negative aspects of stress develop as a result of the imbalance between demand and our body-mind ability to cope with it. Emotional stress has such detrimental effects on our metabolism, it can lead to psychosomatic disorders.....
The way Yoga and Ayurveda operate, however, is basically so different from modern medicine that it calls for quite an adjustment of the western mind. For instance, we are all aware of the importance of the immune system in Stress Management. The immune system protects our metabolism against attacks from bacteria, viruses and cancer cells that continuously try to attack and prey on our system.....

A multifaceted system that includes elements of herbal medicine, diet modification, oil therapies, massage,physical postures, relaxation and meditation. Yoga, and Ayurveda provide a holistic and integrated approach to the Stress Management. They educate people to take care of their own welfare and take charge of their health by developing personal awareness. This is done both through lifestyle modification and a system of therapies, aimed at restoring physical, mental and spiritual harmony. The practice of Ayurveda in combination with certain Yogic therapies has been noted in to be extremely valuable in treating certain stress induced ailments and conditions like hypertension, bronchial asthma, anxiety, and depression, neurosis, gastrointestinal disorders, headache, and insomnia.

Diet Treatment:

Since stress reduces the body's immunity, nutritious diet is very beneficial in counteracting this depletion. Following the right diet for dealing with stress is also very important. In Ayurvedic terms reduce 'rajasic' and 'tamasic' foods and add 'sattvic' diet.

Herbel Treatment:
Herbs known as adaptogens are beneficial in alleviating stress. Traditionally, Ayurveda recommends the root of winter cherry or Ashwagandha, Brahmi (gotu kola),Jatanmasi (muskweed), shankhpuspi, Yastimadhu and Vacha among other herbs, to reduce stress and fix the imbalance in the vata dosha.These special Ayurvedic herbs are called medhya herbs in traditional Ayurvedic texts, and are known to not only individually nurture certain areas of the brain (mind) sensitive to stress effects, but also to nurture coordination among them.
Yoga Treatment:
Yoga is all about balancing your mind with your body, your thoughts with your actions and creating harmony. Once this balance is achieved there is no place for stress at all. Yoga is a way of life that teaches you to bring about this balance so you feel more calm and relaxed and this helps to eliminate stress. Pranayama or the breathing exercises affect your nervous system directly and this causes the parasympathetic nervous system to take over from the sympathetic nervous system that brings about a relaxation response from it and you feel relaxed, calm and peaceful.

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